Sunday, June 12, 2011

Catch up!

Yikes - I have been slacking yet again!  What can I say - so sorry to all of you that even attempt to check and see if there are any updates!  Watch out - there are A LOT of pictures and videos in this post!  Sorry - might bore you!  ;)

We just moved and things are crazy! 

Kennedy gets more amazing every single day!  Seriously - how does it get better?  She is so darn cute - can't help it but I just think she is!  Greg and I laugh because we say - we wonder if everyone else thinks she is as cute as we do!  :)  Her personality is simply awesome!  She is 8 months old - still way off the charts (not sure of her weight bc she hasn't been weighed since her 6 month appt - but I tried to weigh her and she was 22/23 lbs and her legs are the longest things I have ever seen).  She is wearing 18 months clothes, eats all kinds of foods, LOVES the pool, stands up in her crib, verge of crawling, smiles ALL the time (makes my heart smile), loves having her Uncles home but misses her Buncle, etc.  I could go on and on but will just post lots of pics and a couple videos!

Camden is hanging in there!  He is getting used to the new place - I think he likes having a yard even if we still have to walk him out for him to go to the bathroom.  He likes Kennedy - not sure if he loves her yet!  :)  Just gives her licks and goes on his way!  I think the love will start soon when she starts throwing her food to him on the floor!  Camden is just excited for his vacation with his 2 girlfriends - Kona and Laney!  He is still the best dog in the world and I love him so much!  My little boy! 
Mike and Matt are home!  We haven't had the best luck so far.  The first game Matthew played in - only had been home for 2 days - he was hit in the face by a pitch.  Helicoptered to Fairfax hospital.  Very scary event!  Unfortunately he has several fractures in his orbital bone but fortunately no issues with vision, brain, etc.  He will be having surgery on Tuesday!  Poor guy - just can't catch a break!  Mike is doing well and playing still!  They are on a team that plays literally 3 minutes from my house!  Love it!  They turn 21 on Friday - what the heck!  They are supposed to be 3 and running around like crazy!  Can't believe it!

Brandon is doing awesome!  He had a short stint in Baltimore and definitely proved that he deserves to be there!  And he was called up again for a few games and yet again proved himself.  The last time he was up there - he had a freakin silly play and ended up on ESPN's Top Ten plays - #2!  Then last night - he was in the game and had probably THE at bat of the game!  We are so proud of him as always!  :)  Go 29!  We are in countdown for Lindsey and Brandon's wedding!  The planning for all the events is in full swing!  So excited!

Alright - here are some pics and videos!  Hopefully I will stay on top of this - we shall see!  haha!  :)

PS.  There is this "photobucket" image on my blog - no idea how it got there and don't know how to remove it!  Anyone have any suggestions?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Peaches...not so much!

Trying peaches for the first time - not successful!  Must be a little sour for her liking!  :)

Obsession with Water Bottles!

Kennedy is OBSESSED with water bottles!  I mean she loves them and wants to drink and drink and drink out of them!  It is pretty funny to watch her!  She doesn't get all of it in her mouth but a good amount.  She will also throw a MAJOR temper tantrum if you take it away from her!  I need to film that one too!  At first she would just stick her tongue in it but now she actually drinks out of it!  Hahaha!  Camden wanted to get in on the action too - my little man - he is such a good boy!  It is funny because he loves water bottles too!  He loves to throw them around but also loves the fresh water too!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bounce, bounce, bounce!

Kennedy loves to get her bouncy seat going now! She will get both legs into it and then starts talking up a storm! It is pretty entertaining while I am trying to work! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

5 months old!

Really, really 5 months old!  Can't believe it!  Kennedy is growing so darn fast and the time is just flying!  Probably has a lot to do with the fact that I am working 2 jobs and she comes along with me!  Our days are a complete blur most of the time!  I have to give her a lot of credit for being so good through all of this - we are trying to stick to the best routine possible!  We are getting through it!  Kennedy is so fun though - everyone at Snyder Baseball loves to talk to her and play with her - and she is equally in love with everyone up there too!  She even gets real mad when they don't pay her enough attention!

Camden is still amazing!  Hanging in there as the big brother!  I think he is getting used to her now.  Still doesn't quite understand what her deal is, but he is getting there.  It helps that he still goes to work with dad every day!  He loves to have his one on one time with him!  He is such a good boy and I know that he will love Kennedy soon (when she is throwing food to him)!

Kennedy is on solids now - big girl!  We have had sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados and pears!  So far she seems to like them all.  She makes some funny faces with the pears - maybe they are a little sour!  But I have been making her food with the awesome Beaba that Courtney gave to me!  LOVE LOVE LOVE it - it is so fun!  I highly recommend it to any future moms and moms out there! 

Alright - well back to work!  Not to much time to be on here but want to try and update the blog!  :)

She loves her feet now - grabs them, always sticking her legs up in the air, etc!

She has frogs just like her brother Camden!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

4 months old!

Can you freakin believe it? Kennedy is 4 months old - what the heck! She will be 6 months, a half a year, in two months! Time is going way to fast! We had her appointment last week - including shots. Pure torture! Other than the shots she is doing great! The doctor gave us the go ahead to start rice cereal - so far she seems to be much happier!

Weight - 16 lbs (97%)
Height - 25 3/4 inches (97%)

She is definitely not a petite thing! :)

Kennedy is rolling over, still talking up a storm (to the point where we can't hear the tv), LOVES blankets, laughing, sadly loves to watch tv (even when we don't encourage it - she will arch her head/back so that she can see it) and she is starting to love her big brother. She will watch Camden now and will smile! She also was petting him when he went and laid next to her! Such a great sight! :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wedding Bells!

This announcement is a well overdue and most of you already know...Brandon and Lindsey are engaged! Wooooo hooooo! We are all super excited and happy for them! They have been together for a very long time - since they were 13! They are now 24! Wow - I feel old. My little brother is getting married!

Brandon asked her on December 11, 2011 and we are so excited that Lindsey is going to become a part of our family! I mean she already was, but now it is official! Thank goodness I will have a sister amongst all these boys!

They have set the date and Lindsey already found her dress (she is going to look absolutely stunning)!

Congratulations Brandon and Lindsey!

My first pair of Nike's!

Kennedy received her first pair of Nike's for Christmas this year. Thanks to her Buncle (Uncle Brandon) and Aunt Lindsey! Seriously, they may be the cutest darn pair of shoes ever! And check out the grin on this girl - those cheeks are made for biting! :)

Quick update on K: She will be 15 weeks old on Thursday (1/20). How is it possible that she will be 4 months old next week? Who the heck knows how long she is - but her poor toes are pushing out of 6 month pj's! Kennedy is talking up a storm - of course in her own language! But it is hilarious. I got a few minutes of it on video and will try to upload it! Just love her to death!

Camden is hanging in there! I still think he isn't quite sure what to do with her! One minute he will lick her and the next I think he looks at her and wonders if she really is staying for good! He is still my number one boy!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Don't even know where to start...

Yeah - so I have been slacking a little bit, well maybe a lot! It has been over 3 months since I last posted. I do have an excuse for part of that time - a little girl named Kennedy that entered our lives on October 7th! But no excuses, I created this blog for her and to keep everyone that reads it (which is probably no one anymore) up to date with how we are doing! I am going to try and stay on top of it!

I really don't even know where to begin, so I think I will just keep it short and sweet with some pictures! It has been a whirlwind couple of months with Kennedy's arrival and the holidays. We are so excited and feel beyond blessed to have this precious little girl in our lives.
Just a quick synopsis:

Full Name: Kennedy Leigh Dempsey (Kennedy is my grandmother's maiden name, Leigh is my sister-in-laws middle name)
Born: October 7, 2010 (via c-section - she was breech)
Weight: 8 lbs 7 oz
Height: 20 1/4 inches
Time: 11:28 am
Birth "short" story: Kennedy arrived via c-section on 10/7. A day after our 3rd anniversary. The c-section was a bit scary because she got stuck and it took some extra work on the doctors part to get her out. Then when she finally entered the world - she took a full 60 seconds to breath. 60 seconds felt like 60 minutes or more! It was a little tense in the operating room but as soon as she screamed she wouldn't stop. It was the best scream I have ever heard in my life! Other than that scare, she was/is perfect! Kennedy has had a ton of visitors and people around to love her.

At her 2 month appointment she weighed just over 13 lbs and was 24 1/4 inches (95% for everything). The doctor said she didn't expect a little baby with the size of her parents! She continues to be growing so quickly! Kind of makes me sad! But happy that she is healthy! She will go in for her 4 month check in 3 weeks and we can't wait to see where she is at now!

Her personality is priceless! She is a little lovebug but a drama queen all wrapped into one! She is very good at the pouty lip to the smile back to the pouty lip all within 5 seconds! Her pouty lip was a hit in the delivery room too - they knew she would be using that on us for years to come! She is smiling up a storm, on the verge of laughing, interested in everything around her, cooing/talking all day, sleeps through the night (knock on wood), loves her swing, etc. She is a little pistol too - don't let me fool you! Kennedy hates her car seat - and I mean hates! Yes - most moms are like "really? my kids would fall right to sleep" - not this one! So as you can imagine, we are always in a hurry to get in the car and go somewhere! And she sleeps through the night - but only in her swing! It is true that you do things just to survive! But I will take it, she is perfect in our eyes! I find myself every day having to hold back from squeezing her to tight...I just love her so much!

As some of you may know, it was not an easy "process" to start our family! I feel extremely honored to be her mom - she is such a blessing and I am so thankful for every single day that she is a part of our lives! When she smiles, she lights up the whole room and my heart seriously overflows (sounds corny but it is the honest truth)!

Alright, so that is enough for now! I could probably write all night but I doubt she would appreciate that!

Here are a few pictures, I will add more soon!