Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Don't even know where to start...

Yeah - so I have been slacking a little bit, well maybe a lot! It has been over 3 months since I last posted. I do have an excuse for part of that time - a little girl named Kennedy that entered our lives on October 7th! But no excuses, I created this blog for her and to keep everyone that reads it (which is probably no one anymore) up to date with how we are doing! I am going to try and stay on top of it!

I really don't even know where to begin, so I think I will just keep it short and sweet with some pictures! It has been a whirlwind couple of months with Kennedy's arrival and the holidays. We are so excited and feel beyond blessed to have this precious little girl in our lives.
Just a quick synopsis:

Full Name: Kennedy Leigh Dempsey (Kennedy is my grandmother's maiden name, Leigh is my sister-in-laws middle name)
Born: October 7, 2010 (via c-section - she was breech)
Weight: 8 lbs 7 oz
Height: 20 1/4 inches
Time: 11:28 am
Birth "short" story: Kennedy arrived via c-section on 10/7. A day after our 3rd anniversary. The c-section was a bit scary because she got stuck and it took some extra work on the doctors part to get her out. Then when she finally entered the world - she took a full 60 seconds to breath. 60 seconds felt like 60 minutes or more! It was a little tense in the operating room but as soon as she screamed she wouldn't stop. It was the best scream I have ever heard in my life! Other than that scare, she was/is perfect! Kennedy has had a ton of visitors and people around to love her.

At her 2 month appointment she weighed just over 13 lbs and was 24 1/4 inches (95% for everything). The doctor said she didn't expect a little baby with the size of her parents! She continues to be growing so quickly! Kind of makes me sad! But happy that she is healthy! She will go in for her 4 month check in 3 weeks and we can't wait to see where she is at now!

Her personality is priceless! She is a little lovebug but a drama queen all wrapped into one! She is very good at the pouty lip to the smile back to the pouty lip all within 5 seconds! Her pouty lip was a hit in the delivery room too - they knew she would be using that on us for years to come! She is smiling up a storm, on the verge of laughing, interested in everything around her, cooing/talking all day, sleeps through the night (knock on wood), loves her swing, etc. She is a little pistol too - don't let me fool you! Kennedy hates her car seat - and I mean hates! Yes - most moms are like "really? my kids would fall right to sleep" - not this one! So as you can imagine, we are always in a hurry to get in the car and go somewhere! And she sleeps through the night - but only in her swing! It is true that you do things just to survive! But I will take it, she is perfect in our eyes! I find myself every day having to hold back from squeezing her to tight...I just love her so much!

As some of you may know, it was not an easy "process" to start our family! I feel extremely honored to be her mom - she is such a blessing and I am so thankful for every single day that she is a part of our lives! When she smiles, she lights up the whole room and my heart seriously overflows (sounds corny but it is the honest truth)!

Alright, so that is enough for now! I could probably write all night but I doubt she would appreciate that!

Here are a few pictures, I will add more soon!

1 comment:

  1. she is sooo precious! So tiny! :) congrats girly!!! SKV6.BLOGSPOT.COM
